Saturday, August 15, 2015

Chapter 29 Special Request

Left 4th nerve palsy.  That's the diagnosis. 

I received a call back from the neurologist's office early the next morning.  It was felt this was not related at all to his FTD.  They did not have a name to offer me for an ophthalmologist.  So I contacted our family doctor's office - they suggested a practice to call - which I did.  And I was able to get an appointment that afternoon.  Filled out all the paperwork - saw an optician, optometrist, then the ophthalmologist.  It was actually very interesting.  They were able to determine that when Dave would tilt his head a little to the right and up, the double vision would go away.  Tilt it to the left and up - much worse double vision. 

There is nothing to do for it - just wait it out.  We have a follow up in two weeks and it is expected it will be gone by then. 

Again, I was told it has nothing to do with his FTD or brain atrophy.  Just a random fluke.  I guess I feel like he has an awful lot of random flukes happen in his life.  It seems his body has some built in magnetism to attract strange random happenings.  A wound that won't heal, gets infected, and requires antibiotics.  A routine colonoscopy that just doesn't go quite right.  That's just in the last month.  And now this.

I am very relieved the double vision is not related to a stroke or aneurysm or cancer or any permanent problem with his eyes.  But it is very hard for me to believe it has NO relationship to his FTD.  Perhaps I just attribute everything to that.  I've been trying to research "4th nerve palsy" - it is common after head trauma - which he did have in the last year.  I WISH I KNEW MORE ABOUT THE BRAIN!

So my special request.  I guess I'm a not so wise fish - I'm looking for my porpoise - people traveling a similar journey - or with information and experiences to share.  I am feeling very alone in this journey right now.  I need some inspiration.  I would like someone reading my blog who has a loved one with FTD to share their story or their suggestions or information they may have.  If you send your story you'd like to share to me by e-mail, I would like to post it here in my blog.  I assume that most people reading this are going through something similar or looking for information or perhaps even in the field of neurology and cognitive function and decline.  COME JOIN THE TEA PARTY!  I have no sense if my experience is like others, of what's to come.  Maybe this could be a place where several experiences are shared, whether through comments or as a guest writer. 

Interested readers may contact me at  I hope to hear from you and share your thoughts and experiences here for others to read.  It would be only what you wish to share.  You can even tell me what you want as the title of the chapter.  Thank you. 


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